OIES Podcast – A New Global Gas Order

In this latest OIES podcast, brought to you by the Gas Research Programme, James Henderson talks to Mike Fulwood about his latest paper called “A New Global Gas Order (Part 1): The Outlook to 2030 after the Energy Crisis”. The conversation starts by reviewing the key drivers of gas demand across the world, mainly in the power sector where the role of coal and renewables will have a big impact on gas. The discussion then looks at some of the details behind our forecasts for various regions, with Europe and Asia to the fore, before moving on to look at the outlook for different sectors. Mike then compares his forecasts with the estimates from other institutions, with a specific comparison with the latest numbers from the IEA, before moving to the supply side and reviewing the potential for growth in pipeline gas and LNG output. Then we discuss the shift in trade flows that has been caused by the dramatic reduction in exports from Russia, before looking at the outlook for gas prices over the rest of this decade. Finally, we look at the major uncertainties that could impact the forecasts in a positive or negative manner.


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