OIES Podcast – OIES Carbon Management Research Programme

In this podcast, David Ledesma talks to Hasan Muslemani about the new Carbon Management Research Programme recently launched by OIES. As head of this research, Hasan discusses the structure and objectives of the programme which will focus on three aspects: 1) carbon capture and storage (CCS) technologies in energy and industrial sectors, 2) nature- and tech-based carbon removal solutions and 3) the role of carbon markets – both voluntary and compliance – in mobilizing investments into these technologies. Specifically, the programme will evaluate viable business models for CCS and carbon removal technologies in different regions and sectors and investigate some of the hottest topics within these spaces, such as potential for cost reductions, permanence, and emissions accounting. In the podcast, Hasan also emphasizes the need for carbon management at a corporate level and the distinction between the claims that can be made by investing in different types of solutions. The research outcomes out of this programme will be published in the form of papers and podcasts, so keep an eye on this space. Individuals and corporations who are interested in collaborating or learning more learn more about this initiative are advised to contact Hasan directly.