OIES Podcast – China Outlook for 2024: A year of contradictions

In this podcast, OIES China Energy Programme Director Michal Meidan is joined by Senior Research Fellows Anders Hove and Philip Andrews-Speed to discuss what the new year will bring to China’s energy policies and markets. In 2023, despite concerns about the real estate sector and consumer confidence, energy demand was strong. Will this be the case in 2024? Michal, Anders and Philip discuss the outlook for energy given economic growth numbers, whether the low-carbon transition is still on track, and how trade and diplomatic tensions are affecting energy policy and markets. They discuss the recent trends in oil and gas production, the potential for a slowdown in renewables after the record-breaking 2023 installations, new nuclear plant approvals, and the ongoing expansion of domestic new energy vehicles sales. On trade, they also look at China’s recent critical minerals restrictions and how the new foreign entities of concern (FEOC) rules could impact China.