J Stern – non OIES publications list

‘The Evolution of European Gas Price Mechanisms’, (co-authored with Howard Rogers) in: Hafner, M. and Tagliapietra, S., The European Gas Markets: challenges and opportunities, Palgrave/Macmillan, 2017, pp. 359-391.

‘International Gas Pricing in Europe and Asia: a crisis of fundamentals’, Energy Policy (64/2014) Special Section: Oil and Gas Perspectives in the 21st Century, pp.43-48.

‘Ustanovlenie tsen na prirodni gaz: proshloye, nastoyashchie I budushchie’, in L.M Grigoriev, ed. Mirovaya Ekonomika v Nachale XXI Veka, Moscow: Direct Media (2013), Chapter 21, pp.535-571.

‘The Pricing of Internationally Traded Gas: past, present and future’, Ekonomicheskii Zhurnal’ (in Russian), Vol 17, No 3, 2013, 430-455.